The site included three work stations throughout the day: measure, cut, and assembly. Volunteers from Accenture helped facilitate these stations and youth popped in-and-out, able to engage in what interested them, while their parents spoke to teachers.
A 5th grader named S'Sence (pronounced Essence) proclaimed: "I like drills now," after working with our assembly team to drill holes in the compost bin. Participants in our build days often share that their favorite part of Spark-Y build days is exposing students to materials and experiences that aren’t typically used in classrooms, to help broaden their learning.
Our Right Track+ interns were also there to help facilitate the build with one of our interns, Jordan, helping the younger students to identify veggies in the garden and dissect them. The tomatoes and watermelon were definitely crowd pleasers.
One student at the academy ended up sneaking away from her mom during the open house because she wanted to help us out with the build. Her mom found her safe and sound working on measuring boards as we were welcoming our second round of volunteers. We don’t blame her - building a garden and compost bin at your school is pretty darn cool!